Thursday, December 3, 2009

City as Mother

An ideal city would act as a mother to its residents providing them with safety, support, guidance, esteem and examples of how to navigate through life, allowing them to eventually operate on their own as strong leaders. They would provided avenues for inspiration, learning, growth, and new relationships, allowing residents to make hard decisions in the future.

An ideal city would recognize that the relationship with its residents, as with a mother and her child, is two-sided, acknowledging the emergence of new perspectives brought to them through interactions. They would understand, like mothers, the influence of peers and the great capability of teams to transform individuals. They would understand best way to ensure that residents make sound decisions based on the information they have is to ensure that they are allowed to explore this information, uniquely make it their own compatible with their personal identity, and are provided with avenues to connect with others processing and acting upon the same information.

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