Saturday, June 6, 2009

Where Does It Come From?

Where does peace come from? What is it that sparks a light, a calmness, a love within us that allows us to stay centered and and full of love in the midst of chaos?

These were the questions that came up as I sat with two amazing woman sharing the stories of our paths that led to us to this summer in California embodying Ghandi and all those who have followed after.

Each of us told stories in which we were surrounded by chaos and violence early in our lives. None of us had studied nonviolence or peace on an academic or spiritual level before these experiences, in two of our cases we were just small children. Yet, somehow we were able to stay solid and peaceful. We were able to love without having any guidance. We were able to see and understand larger picture. But how?

Where did this unlearned, instinctual, peacefulness come from? This is an important question because if we can find the answer, we can pass it along and watch it grow. Just being peaceful and living nonviolently in the midst of chaos alone will not ensure that peace overcomes the violence around you. My friend Candy Maire today explained that it was like putting a piece of butter into a glass of water. The butter does not automatically become one with the water. It floats alone on top.

We need to find a way to join the two, and the only way to do that is to change the nature of the water from within. It only repels the butter, if it is forced upon it.

But what change needs to occur inside a person in order to allow them to be peaceful? And how do I find the answer when I can't even really pin down the reasons that I am so peaceful. It came naturally to me as a child, and I fought like crazy never let to let it go. I think it even escaped me a few times.

I believe a understanding of connectedness, unquestioning love, and awe comes naturally to all children, but society robs it from us especially in the West.

How do we give it back to those who have lost it?

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